Over the past decade, my journey has led me to all kinds of knowledge. An important part of it is the political system that existed before, runs right now and may, some day, come about. This is what Citadelium is about on the surface.
I wrote about my evolving understanding of the political structure of society here and here. Without doubt, this domain will continue maturing. But today, I want to focus on what is instead of what can be. In other words, the present instead of idealistic distant days that consume our imagination.
A Multi-Polar World
What do we see when we look at the map today? About two hundred nation-states—some vast, others tiny. As everything in Nature changes constantly, so do the imaginary lines on the sand. The borders of these States have been drawn and redrawn multiple times over the millenia. Empires, kingdoms, republics and democracies came and went. What we have presently is the result of expansion, war, annihilation, union, political games and intrigues.
Those who follow Citadelium already know that today's nation-states are largely an unnatural and, therefore, unsustainable product of the successful attempt by the global bankers to co-opt an extremely important part of human interaction: the market. It was done by removing sound money from circulation, creating infinite fake money and forcing it upon people by threat of violence (a.k.a. legal means).
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"—Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Today, such nation-states, powered by the fiat money printer and an ever-growing bureaucratic apparatus, are the norm. Permission was granted. And with that, the Parasites had ample opportunity (which they promptly used) to rob the peoples of various nations of their real assets. Land, natural resources, farms, factories—whole countries—are in the hands of transnational clans that do not in the least have in mind the interest of local populations. They come, exploit and leave.
I covered the Parasites before, but what needs to be added here is that they are unlikely to be all on the same page. After all, these are highly egotistic, opportunistic and sociopathic individuals. As such, their interests often differ and collide. The clans compete for dominance. For instance, we are used to thinking that globalists are the biggest enemy of freedom. Deservedly so. But I am sure that there are also nationalist Parasites. And it has nothing to do with their love of a particular country, or patriotism, but rather with a preferred modus operandi. Some of them think that a planetary super-state is the way to rule the global population, others—that the cattle is better managed in separately developed farms. As a result of these differences, chains of events, small and large, often historic, take place all over the world which the uninitiated observer cannot truly understand.

It is my semi-learned opinion that the globalist idea of a unipolar world is being implemented unsuccessfully. There is too much resistance from various jurisdictions that desire to remain sovereign and even regain their prior might. Russia, China, Brazil, Poland come to mind. They may not be in the same camp, but one camp they are not in is globalist. A multi-polar world is re-emerging.
You must keep in mind that I am not too experienced in politics, especially geopolitics, so take all this with a grain of salt. On the other hand, these observations help me shape the state of the world in my mind so that I can make appropriate life choices. Maybe, they will be helpful to you, too.
Are We Evolved Yet?
As we now have the panacea for endless money printing—bitcoin—the rules of the game are changing. The free-market money is bringing back what was taken away a while ago: free market itself. The black swan happened in 2009, but the transitional period is and will be quite long. Nevertheless, the genie is out of the bottle. Over eleven years later, bitcoin cannot be ignored any longer either by large corporations or nation-states. They must embrace it lest they are left behind.
The anarcho-capitalist vision of the world full of citadels (monarchies, republics, free private cities, etc.), in which citizens are treated like customers, competed for and cherished, is one step closer to reality. The demise of the fiat nation-state seems a done deal. But is it just around the corner? Or will we have to wait?
Based on my interests, I have been developing a perspective on world affairs that may seem unique to some readers. As described before, absolutely everything you learn and do throughout life forms a particular view of reality that resembles a puzzle: each tidbit of experience eventually finds its place in a whole. Everybody's journey is different, and so is their perspective. But Truth is one and only, and those who vie for it necessarily come to similar conclusions, albeit expressed differently. Here are mine.
- First, human evolution, including spiritual, happens in waves. Like with everything in Nature, there are ebbs and flows. Right now, we seem to be reaching a certain bottom, after which follows a rise in consciousness.
- Second, there is no such thing as sudden mass awakening. It has always been a few individuals, the remnant, who work hard to discover Truth, and deliver it to the masses. Most people are sheep who require shepherds to show them the way. This statement is not derogatory, it only describes how things are. To find recent confirmation, just look at the COVD-19 events.
- Third, the state of consciousness that the remnant possess will be the norm at some point in the future. This process takes time, likely a long time.
- Fourth, most controversially, I believe that ancient spiritual teachings were a lot superior to organized religions of today. They provided a completely different, more anarchic framework for life in which each individual was considered a son of God (or gods) with free will and not "God's slave". Modern monotheistic religions with an anthropomorphic godhead at the centre and a top-down control system were, in most cases, forced upon whole populations a couple thousand (hundred?) years ago purely for political reasons.
- Fifth, organized religions are still better than nothing (atheism). If, today, most people are sheep who need commandments, and these belief systems offer plenty of them, then it is beneficial to raise people using this framework, however servile it is. The few who have natural resistance to it will break away no matter what.
- Sixth, spiritual evolution will force a change in religion. According to some non-mainstream sources, there was once a one-world religion on this planet shared and understood by most peoples on the globe. Based on what was before as well as various "prophesies" (which you do not have to believe but are interesting nevertheless), I tend to think that a new world religion will eventually emerge that will be a lot more suitable to the evolved man of the future. It will combine the best features of previous religions, including the Judeo-Christian tradition, Gnosticism, paganism, Buddhism and various spiritual teachings popular in India.
- Seventh, the results of the new leg of evolution will be seen much later. Various sources argue that the new humanity will be established a hundred to a few hundred thousand years from now. Whatever the number, it seems like it will be beyond our lifetimes. Which leads me to a liberating conclusion: we must work with what we have.
So, what do we have?
The Stoic Solution
One can argue that powerful forces and modern tools like Bitcoin have set an irreversible course towards immense changes in our political, social, cultural lives. Very true. But so is the fact that the Universe is in constant motion—it never stops changing. The question is how long it will take for certain results to become clearly visible.
It is, without doubt, very useful to dream of a day when all your desires have been fulfilled, all your plans have materialized, a better world has emerged. This ever-present dream of an almost unreachable future keeps most people going. But it is equally important to remember the classic Stoic adage—care for the things you can affect, avoid dwelling on what you cannot control.
Today, we live in a world characterized by:
- The submissive behaviour of most human inhabitants. The vast majority are happy followers, a few are leaders.
- The prevalence of nation-states, possibly, transitioning into their final stages of existence.
- The popularity of organized religion.
Taking these facts into account and keeping in mind your ideal future scenario, think of ways that you can affect your surroundings in the most meaningful manner. This means using the expertise of various individuals in all walks of life, even those that you may despise. A prominent example would be politics—something that free-market anarchists abhor. Yes, it is a dirty field full of rats. It is also here to stay for a while, likely longer than your lifetime. You can pretend it does not exist anymore but you cannot escape its effects on your daily life. Instead, you can learn the tricks politicians use to force a change in the direction of your choosing. After all, like bitcoin, politics is just a tool that can be a powerful weapon in the hands of its master. Similarly, the sheepish mindset and religious inclinations of many can be useful to those competent enough with such forces.
Nature demands that the system's demise is certain. Do not fight the existing reality. Merge with it, become one. Work within its parameters. Use the system's inertia to your advantage. With every action, add kerosene drops into its cleansing fire.
In Bitcoin, we may never reach our ideal version v1 of the reference client. Likewise, keep v1 of your perfect world in mind, but focus on the practically achievable v0.1.1.